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07.04.2011, 13:19

The Queen’s Dresses in Jubilee Exhibition

Some of the most beautiful and glamorous dresses worn by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II during her 50-years reign will be the subject of a special exhibition at the internationally renowned1 Museum of Costume in the historic English city of Bath.

The Queen has given special permission for the dresses, which have never before been on public exhibition, to go on show.

Curators2 at the museum, working with colleagues from Historic Royal Palaces and the Royal Collection, have carefully selected 14 dresses which give an insight into complex world of costuming the Head of State.

"We are thrilled and honoured that Her Majesty has agreed to lend these magnificent dresses to us,” said Penelope Ruddock, Curator of the Museum of Costume. "2002 will be a landmark year for the country and I know that our visitors will be fascinated by this once-in-a-lifetime chance to see these dresses.”

The exhibition will show how the Queen often wears dresses in strong colours, sometimes with only the subtlest3 decoration, so that she can always be visible.

While the Queen’s dresses must make an impression, they must be practical. The Queen is always in the spotlight and everything that she does, from getting out of a car to walking up and down steps, is always under scrutiny4. It is the job of the Royal fashion designers to ensure that both needs are met.

Many of the dresses in the show have been worn during royal visits to Commonwealth or other countries.

The Museum of Costume displays fashionable dress from the late 16th century right up to today. This outstanding collection of national and international importance tells history through changing styles.

renowned1 – знаменитый, прославленный, известный

curators2 – хранитель (музея)

subtle3утонченный, искусный


Choose the right answer.

1.      Some of the most beautiful and glamorous dresses worn by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II during her 50 year reign will be subject of a special exhibition because …

a)      the Queen has given special permission for the dress, which have never before been on public exhibition, to go on show

b)      people want to have once-in-a-lifetime chance to see these dresses

c)      2002 is a jubilee year for the Queen and the country

2.      It is the job of the Royal fashion designers to ensure that …

a)      the dresses make an impression and are practical

b)      the most beautiful and glamorous dresses belong to the Queen

c)      the Queen’s dresses are outstanding

3.      The Queen often wears dresses in strong colours …

a)      because they are in fashion

b)      because they suit her

so that she can always be visible
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